
Supernatural Thoughts

The Impact of AI on Digital Health: A Revolution

Generative AI is being hailed as the technology of our time, comparable to the printing press or the steam engine. One of the most significant benefits of AI in healthcare is its ability to improve efficiency.

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The Impact of AI on Creating More Relevant Healthcare Advertising

AI systems are incredibly adept at processing massive amounts of data. From patient information to online behaviors, AI can crunch the data and uncover valuable insights into different cohorts of healthcare audiences based on their attitudes, interests and needs.

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Beyond Generative AI: Understanding the Full Potential of AI

AI isn’t just about generating content or mimicking human creativity. It encompasses a wide range of functions that can enhance various aspects of society. AI empowers experts with unparalleled insights and predictive capabilities. From healthcare diagnostics to climate modeling, from advancements in autonomous vehicles to revolutionizing customer service through chatbots. By solely fixating on generative AI, we risk overlooking AI’s potential to solve pressing global challenges.

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AI and Influencer Marketing: Ensuring a Brand’s Impact Goes Further

If you participate in today’s social media landscape, you know how hard it is to avoid influencer marketing. There are thousands of content creators, all with their individual niche; beauty, DIY home renovations, mental health, exercise, the list goes on. Brands have learned to harness the power of influencer marketing by partnering with the right influencer who can connect with that brand’s target audience.

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AI is Powerful, but How Can We Make It Useful?

AI can translate languages in real-time, generate hyper-realistic images, power self-driving cars, and even create an itinerary for your next vacation. However, despite all the hype, the question remains: how do we make AI useful in a way that benefits us in our daily lives at work and otherwise?

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The AI Evolution: Keeping Up with the Ever Shifting Landscape

It seems trite to say that the evolution in AI technology is moving fast. But when a certain blog content creator, goes on vacation for two weeks and 4 new technologies come into the space, the rapid change is not to be underestimated.

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How AI, NFTs and Advertising are Connected

How are NFTs relevant to what we do? NFTs and AI have a strong connection due to the fact that both technologies are based on blockchain technology and the decentralized web.

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Advertising in the TikTok Era

Ah TikTok. Do we love you? Do we hate you? Are you a threat to National Security? We aren’t quite sure but it’s obvious that your reach is quite powerful. And with most people deciding if the content is engaging enough within the first three seconds, it poses a challenge to brands to create videos that capture the attention of the viewer fast.

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Copyright and Why it Matters with AI

2022 brought AI closer to everyone. It demystified the idea that AI was only for tech gurus and software developers and allowed for exploration by the common person. However, these two programs have our creative minds called into question how copyright plays into this.

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OnlyFans as a Case Study on the Power of Humans and Technology

We believe that the content that AI creates will never hold a flame to what the human brain is capable of, in our use case. AI is the ultimate crowd source machine, so anything it produces has been filtered through other’s creativity. Using OnlyFans as a case study, we explain why we need human creativity. 

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Separating Gimmicks from Real Advancement in AI

As we move forward, AI is becoming ubiquitous in society, now supporting many industries and facets of our life. But like most inventions before, it can be hard to separate the gimmicks from true technological advances.

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Your Computer is Hallucinating - Seriously.

When creating AI technology, it only seems natural to personify the technology, as many of the attributes mimic human physiology. Neural networks, voice recognition, deep learning - these are all traits of AI. So, it only seems natural that AI could also do human activities such as hallucinating.

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Why Creativity Matters More Than Ever

Clients have long focused on what is sometimes referred to as “working media,” and for good reason—that’s typically where the bulk of the budget is spent. Over time, the industry has deployed new technologies as a way to optimize media spend.

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Is AI the New Interactive Marketing?

AI can be used as a tool that can allow us to do more of what we like to do. Spending less time on creative briefs and more time working on the creative and messaging.

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Our Machine Doesn’t Replace Humans, it Just Makes the Human Jobs Easier

We get it. Saying our machine has been trained in strategy, creativity and advertising may seem like something out of The Terminator. But really, we are just trying to make advertising better for those that consume it, by making it easier for those who create it.

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